† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61527823 and 61377105).
Square microcavities, which support whispering-gallery modes with total internal reflections, can be employed as high-quality laser resonators for fabricating compact, low-threshold semiconductor lasers. In this paper, we review the recent progress of square microcavity semiconductor lasers. The characteristics of confined optical modes in the square microcavities are introduced briefly. Based on the mode properties of the square microcavities, dual-mode lasers with tunable wavelength intervals are realized for generating microwave signals. Furthermore, deformed square microcavity lasers with the sidewalls replaced by circular sides are proposed and experimentally demonstrated to enhance the mode confinement and increase the dual-mode interval to the THz range. In order to further reduce the device size, metal-confined wavelength-scale square cavity lasers are also demonstrated.
Whispering-gallery mode (WGM) optical microcavities with merits of high quality (Q) factors, small mode volumes (V), and capability for planar integration have lots of applications in fundamental physics studies and integrated photonics devices, e.g. microlasers.[1–4] Besides the advantages of low threshold and compact size, microcavity lasers with a large value of Q/V can also promise a narrower linewidth.[5,6] WGM microcavities with circular shapes are natural choices, and have aroused great research interest due to their ultralow optical loss.[7–15] However, one major issue of these circular microcavities is the isotropic emission due to their rotational symmetry. In order to realize directional emission, an appropriate design of the microcavity shape was proposed to break the rotational symmetry and achieve efficient multi-directional or unidirectional emission while high-Q modes were preserved.[16–19] Another approach to directional emission was to add local perturbations, such as scatters, gratings, or notches, to the microcavities to efficiently modify the far-field emission patterns.[20–23]
Through optimizing the microcavity shapes or the local perturbations, directional emissions have been demonstrated with small in-plane divergence angles. However, waveguide coupling is still necessary for the practical application of microcavity lasers in photonics integrations.[24,25] The commonly used evanescent field coupling with a narrow gap between the waveguide and the microcavity may have significant difficulty in fabrication and alignment; thus, butt-coupling an output waveguide to the microcavity could be a potential solution because of the robust structure.[26] Waveguide butt-coupled microcavity semiconductor lasers were proposed and demonstrated as a potential light source in optical interconnections and photonics-integrated circuits.[27] Although high-Q coupled modes have been obtained in waveguide butt-coupled circular microcavities,[24] there is no analytical solution for the coupled modes combined by different radial-order modes, which makes the control of lasing modes more inefficient and complicated.
Besides the circular microcavities, equilateral-polygonal microcavities have also been widely investigated.[28–34] Especially for the equilateral-triangular and square microcavities, quasi-analytical solutions were obtained for the high-Q whispering-gallery-like (WG-like) modes (in the following they are also called WGMs for short).[35–38] The mode field distributions are typically very weak at the vertices in equilateral-triangular and square microcavities. Thus, butt-coupling an output waveguide to one vertex of the microcavity for unidirectional emission was proposed because the waveguide did not strongly affect the characteristics of the WGMs.[39] Here we mainly focus on the square microcavities because of their better mode confinement, sine the incident angles of the WGMs in the square microcavities are larger than those in the triangular microcavities. Square microcavities have been studied intensively over the past decades for applications in compact, low-power-consumption add-drop filters and microlasers.[40–49] For application in photonics integration, waveguide-coupled unidirectional-emission square microcavity semiconductor lasers have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated with various functions, such as high-speed direct modulation, single-mode operation with tunable lasing wavelength, and dual-transverse-mode lasing.[50,51]
In this paper, we review the recent progress of the square microcavity semiconductor microlasers. In Section
An exact analytical solution can be easily obtained for the 2D circular microcavities.[9] However, for the 2D square microcavities, an analytical field distribution cannot fulfil the Maxwell’s equations because of the singularity at each of the vertices. A quasi-analytical solution with sufficient precision is then required to describe the optical modes in the square microcavities.
By assuming a perfect electric or magnetic wall at the diagonals of the square for the transverse magnetic (TM) or transverse electric (TE) mode, correspondingly, a theoretical model was presented for the four-bounced high-Q WGMs in the square microcavity.[52] The analytical results agreed well with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical simulation results, and the free spectrum ranges of the high-Q WGMs in square microcavities were found to be twice those in circular microcavities of a similar size.[53] All the confined optical modes were described with a semi-classical model similar to the Marcatili’s scheme that was used to analyze the rectangular waveguide, by assuming that the internal field is sinusoidally or cosinoidally oscillated along the x and y axes while the external field decays exponentially.[31] Although the external field obtained by the analytical model is incorrect, the internal field is expected to be sufficiently precise since it satisfies Maxwell’s equations inside the microcavity and at the boundaries except for four vertices. The far-field emission method was used to calculate the external field and estimate the modal loss based on the analytical internal field distribution.[35]
The TE (TM) confined modes in the square microcavities modes are denoted as TEp, q (TMp, q), where the mode numbers p and q are used to denote the node numbers of the Hz (Ez) wave in the x and y directions, respectively. The high-Q WGMs, which correspond to the superposition of the doubly degenerate modes, have field distributions with odd parity relative to the diagonal. The formed high-Q WGM was first explained as the C4v symmetry of the square with the group theory,[30] and then the physical mechanism was explained by the mode coupling theory.[37] The mode coupling between the doubly degenerate modes TEp, q and TEq, p (TMp, q and TMq, p) results in the high-Q WGM marked by
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Magnetic field distributions for the (a) fundamental, (b) first-order, (c) second-order, and (d) third-order transverse order TE WGMs in square microcavities. |
The WGMs in the circular microcavities are doubly degenerate modes because of the rotational symmetry. In the square microcavities, the mode coupling removes the doubly degenerate properties for part of the confined modes, and results in nondegenerate high-Q WGMs in the square microcavities, which is essential to achieve real single-mode operation for the microcavity laser.[30] However, the standing wave property of the high-Q WGM makes the square microcavity unsuitable for realizing efficient optical add-drop filters. A deformed square microcavity with cut and circular corners was proposed to realize a traveling wave-like filtering response.[43]
For a 3D square microcavity, theoretical analysis is complicated. Thus, a 2D square microcavity is typically considered by simplifying the 3D structure into a 2D structure. For the square microcavity vertically confined by a semiconductor material with a low contrast of refractive index, the 2D model will give an incorrect high-Q factor since the vertical radiation loss is neglected.[54] However, the 2D model is still a powerful tool because it can predict a high-Q WGM and provide an accurate mode structure more efficiently than the 3D model. The vertical radiation loss can be explained as the coupling between the WGM and vertical propagation mode, and becomes the dominant loss in the square microcavity with a side length of a few microns for the TE mode.[10] In order to achieve the high-Q mode in a wavelength-scale square microcavity, a metal layer is usually introduced to enhance the light confinement in vertical and horizontal directions.
Based on the theoretical analyses and numerical simulations of the mode characteristics, a square microcavity semiconductor laser with the waveguide butt-coupled to one vertex or the midpoint of one side was proposed for unidirectional emission. A single-mode square microcavity laser with a tunable lasing wavelength and the capability for high-speed direct modulation has been experimentally demonstrated, with the lasing characteristics in good agreement with those from the quasi-analysis model and the numerical simulation.[51] The mode properties of a square microcavity allow stable dual-mode lasing in a single laser cavity, and the corresponding recent experimental results are presented below.
Dual-wavelength semiconductor lasers have been extensively studied because of their potential applications in microwave and THz wave generation. If the dual wavelength emission can be achieved in a single laser cavity, a microwave or THz wave source with simplified structure and stabilized operation can then be realized. Based on the spatially separated field distribution between nearby high-Q WGMs, dual-wavelength lasing has been demonstrated in square microcavity lasers.[55] In this section, we review the recent experimental results on the dual-mode square microcavity lasers.
For an AlGaInAs/InP square microcavity with a side length (a) of 30 μm and a refractive index (n1) of 3.2, which equals the effective index of the AlGaInAs/InP multiple-quantum-well (MQW) epitaxial wafer used in the experiment, surrounded by a thin SiNx layer and divinylsiloxane bisbenzocyclobutene, an output waveguide with a width (wg) of 2.5 μm was butt-coupled to one vertex of the square microcavity for realizing waveguide-coupled unidirectional emission. Figures
A square microcavity laser with parameters similar to those used in the FDTD simulations was fabricated on an AlGaInAs/InP MQW epitaxial wafer by using the fabrication process similar to that in Ref. [51]. A tapered single-mode fiber (SMF) butt-coupled to the cleaved end of the output waveguide was used to collect the laser output light. Lasing spectra were measured by an optical spectrum analyzer with a resolution of 0.02 nm at room temperature under different continuous injection currents. The wavelength interval and the intensity ratio between the fundamental (0th) and first-order (1st) transverse modes can be extracted from the lasing spectra. The inset in Fig.
The transverse mode wavelength interval Δλt between the fundamental and first-order modes can be obtained from a quasi-analytical modal to be
In order to further enhance the wavelength interval of the dual-transverse-mode square microcavity laser, we proposed and demonstrated deformed square microcavities with their flat sides replaced by circular sides.[56] Figure
High-Q WGMs in circular-sided square microcavities are numerically simulated by a 2D finite element method (FEM). TE WGMs with magnetic field (Hz) distributions symmetric with respect to the middle line of the output waveguide are considered here. For the circular-sided square microcavity with a = 16 μm and output waveguide width w = 1.5 μm, plots of mode wavelength and Q factor versus δ obtained by the FEM are shown in Figs.
Like the AlGaInAs/InP square microcavity laser, the circular-sided square microcavity laser was fabricated on the AlGaInAs/InP MQW epitaxial wafer with parameters similar to those used in the simulation (a = 16 μm and w = 1.5 μm). The inset in Fig.
The experimental results indicate that dual-mode lasing can be easily realized in the circular-sided square microcavity with the ultrahigh-Q mode, and the transverse mode interval can be adjusted by varying the deformation parameter δ. The wavelength interval between the lasing modes is also limited by the longitudinal mode interval due to the lasing mode competition.
Nonlinear gain analyses of a density matrix formalism are performed to describe the stability of dual-mode lasing for the nondeformed and deformed square microcavity lasers, respectively. In the nondeformed square microcavity, the mode field patterns are determined by two mode numbers p and q along the directions of the square sides according to the quasi-analytical model. The p and q are different for the near high-Q WGMs, and therefore stable dual-mode lasing can be expected for the square microcavity laser. In the deformed square microcavity with circular-sides[56] or variable curvature,[57] the overlap of mode field intensities between even the near high-Q WGMs is less than that of the non-deformed square microcavities according to the numerical simulations. Thus, stable dual-mode lasing can also be achieved for the deformed square microcavity laser with an enhanced wavelength interval.
Microwave signal generation has been demonstrated directly from the square microcavity laser subjected to external optical injection,[58] and also by the optoelectronic oscillator with a directly modulated square microcavity laser.[59] However, the frequency of the generated microwave signal is limited by the modulation bandwidth of the directly modulated square microcavity laser. Based on the dual-mode lasing nondeformed and deformed square microcavity lasers, the signal frequency can be extended from tens of GHz to the THz through mode beating.[55,56] We have demonstrated sub-THz wave generation based on the dual-mode square microcavity laser and the uni-travelling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD), and the obtained signal frequency is mainly limited by the response bandwidth of the UTC-PD.[60]
An 18 μm-side-length square microcavity laser with a 1.5 μm-wide output waveguide was used in the experiment of sub-THz signal generation. Figure
A dual-mode microcavity laser can not only simplify the structure but also stabilize the operation since two modes lase in a single cavity. The two lasing modes may have a relation in the phase, which is beneficial to the microwave or THz wave signal generation and to the optical frequency comb generation through four-wave mixing. We have demonstrated a strong correlation between the two lasing modes in the dual-mode square microcavity laser.[61]
A dual-mode square microcavity laser with a side length of 20 μm and a 1.5 μm-wide output waveguide was used in the experiment for spectrum linewidth analysis. Figure
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) (a) Dual-mode lasing spectrum at 50 mA for a dual-mode square microcavity laser with a side length of 20 μm. Left inset: spectrum after amplifier and filter. Right inset: combined spectrum of the dual-mode and a TLS. (b) Measured beating signal of the combined optical spectrum. RBW: resolution bandwidth. (c) Zoomed-in electrical spectra. Reproduced from Ref. [61]. |
Besides the dual-mode laser used in the microwave or THz wave generation, wavelength or subwavelength scale semiconductor lasers with ultralow power consumption are greatly demanded for applications in on-chip optical interconnects. We have demonstrated room-temperature lasing for an aluminum/silica coated AlGaInAs/InP square cavity under optical pumping.[62]
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) (a) Schematic diagram of aluminum/silica wavelength-scale square cavity laser. (b) SEM image of fabricated square cavity laser with a side length of about 2.2 μm, with the inset showing a tilted view of the cavity. (c) Room temperature lasing spectra for the square cavity laser. (d) Output peak power and linewidth of the lasing mode versus incident peak pump power for the square cavity laser, with the inset showing the detailed lasing spectrum. (b) Theoretical curves and the experimental results of laser mode power against input pump power. Reproduced from Ref. [62]. |
The AlGaInAs/InP square laser with a side length of 2.2 μm was tested at room temperature (293 K) by a micro-photoluminescence setup with a 976 nm pulsed laser source. The pulse width was 60 ps with a repetition rate of 20 MHz. A 40× objective lens was used to focus the pumping laser beam on the AlGaInAs/InP square laser with a spot diameter of 4 μm and simultaneously collect the emitting light. Figure
By further reducing the cavity size from the wavelength scale to subwavelength scale, the mode Q factor decreases from 103 to a few hundred. The bulk material active layer is then required to provide sufficient saturation gain to balance the high modal loss, which may result in high injection current density and hence large heat generation. An electrical injection Ag/SiN-coated rectangular cavity semiconductor laser with a modal volume of 0.67λ3 was demonstrated at room temperature.[63,64] The mode Q factor obtained by the FDTD simulation was 428 for the rectangular cavity, and the linewidth was 0.5 nm for the laser above threshold. The threshold current was 1.1 mA, corresponding to a current density of 60 kA/cm2. The spontaneous emission factor β was 0.05 based on the light output curve. The processing techniques and device designs need further optimization to reduce the threshold current density for practical application.
In order to break the diffraction limit, plasmon lasers have been proposed and demonstrated as a new class of coherent compact light sources.[65,66] Subdiffraction-limited square plasmon laser was realized at room temperature under optical pumping.[46] A 45 nm thick and 1 μm long CdS square was located on the silver surface with a 5 nm MgF2 gap, thereby forming a square plasmon laser. The TM modes confined at the metal–dielectric interface resulted in strong light confinement in the gap region with relatively low loss, while the TE modes exhibited large radiation losses. With the help of surface plasmon polaritons, the diffraction limit in the vertical direction was broken. The light in the horizontal direction was still confined by the total reflection at the boundaries, with the field distribution similar to that of the WGMs in a dielectric square microcavity.
In summary, we have reviewed the recent progress of square microcavity semiconductor lasers. High-Q WGMs in square optical microcavities are introduced briefly for realizing unidirectional emission and achieving mode control. Based on the unique mode properties of the square microcavities, dual-mode microlasers with a tunable wavelength interval are demonstrated experimentally using a spatially selective current injection. Deformed square microcavities with the flat sidewalls replaced by circular arcs are proposed and demonstrated for enhancing the mode confinement and increasing the dual-mode interval from tens of GHz to the THz range. In order to further reduce the laser size, wavelength-scale square cavity lasers are also demonstrated with aluminum/silica layers to confine the mode field close to the diffraction limit.
In the circular-shaped optical microcavities, WGMs distribute uniformly along the cavity rim within a very narrow region. In contrast, high-Q WGMs in square microcavities typically distribute over the whole cavity with a sinusoidal envelope along the sidewall. Due to the large offset of the field distributions between different transverse modes, the modulation and control of the lasing mode can be achieved by designing the output waveguide and spatially selective injection. The widely distributed mode field can also promise high injection efficiency and avoid burning-induced diffusion in high-speed direct modulation. According to these novel properties of the square optical microcavity, we have already demonstrated different functional square semiconductor microlasers. Besides the semiconductor laser with a single square cavity, the twin-square coupled microcavity laser was demonstrated for the enhancement of modulation bandwidth due to the photon–photon resonance effect,[67] and the square-rectangular coupled cavity laser was demonstrated for single-mode lasing with tunable wavelength[68] and high-speed flip-flop.[69] We believe that the performance of square microcavity semiconductor lasers can be further improved, and then practical application can be realized.
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